Meet Our Instructor & Staff

Mohsen Manafi Sensei /モフセン・マナフィ
Kodokan Judo 7th Dan and International Judo Federation, International Referee/
Mohsen Sensei start judo from white belt till 7th dan in Kodoakn since 1990 .
For more details about Mohsen Sensei please - Click here

Office/Digital Marketing Officer
Chikako Osawa/大澤史子
Digital Media specialist.
Born into a martial arts family in Japan. Father was a former Sumo Wrestler and Captain of the Meiji University Sumo Club, winning the All Japan Student Sumo Championships. He was also a former deputy director of the Japan Sumo Federation and a Trustee of Meiji University. Uncle is the 46th Yokozuna, Asashio Taro. Mother's father was a Master of Swords and Aikido. As an adult, she trains in Shaolin Kung Fu, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jujutsu and Shinto Muso-ryu Jo/Sword, and teaches beginners and children. She is also a qualified swimming instructor and teaches all levels from children to adults. She has a Close Protection (Body Guard) Licence by UK Home Office SIA and a First Aid Lv 3 Qualification.
She was one of the students at the opening of the school. Under the hard coaching of Mohsen Sensei, she progressed from a complete beginner's level to Black belt (Shodan) in 3 year.